Canceling your Paystand Account

When you decide to end your relationship with Paystand, we want to ensure clarity regarding next steps. This article provides an overview of the changes that occur when you cancel your Paystand account, outlining the limitations and services that remain available to you.

Account Changes

Upon canceling, the Paystand account will be transitioned to a "disputes" plan. This means the ability to receive payments will be deactivated. In some cases, our risk team may determine that a plan can include both "disputes and refunds".

With these plan changes, key services will still be accessible to support you during this transition period.

Services Available

  • Disputes
    • Payments will be deactivated, however, payers who have made transactions will still have the option to raise a dispute to allow for a fair resolution process in any payment-related issues.
  • Refunds
    • Refunds are non-standard for clients that have canceled. Our risk team will assess and determine whether the plan can include refunds as well as disputes. In some cases, there may be a reserve required to enable this feature.
  • Transaction History
    • Access to transaction history providing insights into past payments, refunds, and associated details. This information is invaluable for record-keeping, financial analysis, and reconciliation purposes.
  • Statements & Tax Documents
    • Account statements can be accessed and downloaded
  • Account Agreements
    • Agreements with Paystand will remain accessible, providing a record of the terms and conditions that applied during your active period as a Paystand customer.
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