Scheduled payments are regular recurring payments.
The scheduled payments feature allows payments to be collected on a specific date set. They can be made on a recurring basis set in the Paystand Dashboard using the payer’s saved fund.
Set up Schedule Payments
1. Click Payers
2. Select the payer you would like to set up the scheduled payment by Clicking on the Payer ID
3. Select the fund that will be used for the scheduled payment by clicking the schedule payments icon.
4. Enter the amount of the payment.
Enter the interval for the scheduled payment to run.
Enter the Schedule Payment Name. E.g., "Monthly Subscription"
5. The schedule payments feature has more options to be set up by clicking Advanced
6. You can select if you want the scheduled payment to be continuously
Enter more parameters for the time Interval.
7. Click Create Scheduled Payment to save the scheduled payment
8. A confirmation message will pop-up
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