
When you create and post a new invoice in Sage, the Sage platform will update and show the new invoice, and a representation of the invoice will be visible in the Paystand dashboard under receivables. When an invoice in Sage is created, it usually takes two to three minutes for a receivable to reflect in the Paystand dashboard. 

Mandatory fields

The due date and customer’s email address are two mandatory fields that Paystand requires because features such as autopay and collections require these two fields to function optimally.

Make changes to an invoice

If any field, such as the amount, due date, customer’s email address, etc., needs to be updated, it has to be done in Sage. The change will reflect in the Paystand dashboard.

Invoicing in multi entities scenario

A Paystand dashboard is connected to an entity in Sage. Only the invoices created at the entity level or at the top level (with the correct location specified) will synchronize in real time with the Paystand dashboard.

Charge the total amount to different entities

In a case where an invoice has multiple line items assigned to different entities, Paystand mimics the Sage behavior. The total expense amount will be divided into separate entities as given in the location field while creating an invoice. (See Figure 1).



Figure 1. Invoices with the total amount charged to different entities


Cancel an invoice

If you need to cancel an invoice, you must do it from Sage. You cannot create, make changes or cancel invoices from the Paystand dashboard. 

Once you cancel an invoice in Sage, it will automatically show as balanced in the Paystand dashboard under the receivables tab. 

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