How to cancel a payment?

Follow this process to cancel a payment. We have important considerations in order to be able to void a payment.


  • This will only work with ACH and bank-to-bank payments.
  • Credit Card payments can not be void; they must be refunded.
  • We can void a payment made before 3 pm PST.
  • We can only void the payment if the ticket is submitted to support early enough to be executed before 3 pm PST that day.
  • If the payment is voided before 3 pm PST, the funds will not be withdrawn from the payer's bank account.

If you need to void a payment, please Submit a Request to our Support team.

Next steps

After requesting a cancelation for payment, the following transfer report will contain a refund that will represent this adjustment.

In NetSuite, you need to create a refund record for that payment and report it to the Support Team so we can register the refund to the voided payment and have the transfer report match.

Important Reminder

Please avoid manually deleting the voided transaction in NetSuite.


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