February 2023 Release Notes

February 24th, 2023 - 2.27.20

  • Fixed Issue with Transfer Reports not Obtaining Transaction Details
    • Modified the logic of the deposit processor to add dynamic mapping in all cashback functions, not only for disputes since for this type of scenario in TR, we cannot ensure that our search always obtains the details of the transaction

February 14th, 2023 - 2.27.19

  • Fixed Edge Case for Credits for Sub-Customers
    • Credits were still being pulled from children and used to pay invoices unrelated to them. We have released a patch for this.

February 3rd, 2023 - 2.27.18

  • Settings for Unapplied Transactions
    • After doing a successful test pilot, we are not merging unapplied customer deposits into their own setting. Unapplied payments and unapplied customer deposits are now two separate features!
  • Fix for Credits for Sub-customers
    • When opening the virtual terminal from a customer record, only the credits belonging to that customer will both be surfaced and used to pay invoices belonging to that customer or its children.
  • Email Filters
    • The Paystand email button in a customer record will now read the NS_Params parameters and apply it as a filter for attached PDFs, invoices listed in the email template, and invoices surfaced in the checkout experience.
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